Isnin, 19 Disember 2011

Kembali Lagi..

Assalamualaikum buat semua..
  Hari ini sudah pun 19.12.2011. Lama rasanya dah tak update blog ni.. Maaf untuk itu.. Biasa la hujung tahun bergini memang agak sibuk dengan urusan kerja bagai.. admin pun baru je balik ke kg.. Biasa la jengguk orang tua. tapi itu cerita lain la.. berbalik pada cerita PPOC NORTHERN, kebelakangan ini, banyak aktiviti yg dijalankan secara tidak rasmi telah diadakan.. Biasa la, crew sesama crew, calling-calling dan on je.. hahahaha..

  Antara nya, diaorang lepak kat MONRODS kulim lagi.. Menjadi kenangan apabila salah seorang crew PPOC northern yg telah lama menghilang kini muncul kembali..[harap lepas ni terus aktif yea..] hahahah.. Layan gambar dulu..
yg berbaju biru itulah yg di maksudkan.. hahaha..

'abang' kulim dan 'abang' ppoc northern..

Selain lepak kat Monrods, sempat pergi karaoke lagi tu.. hahahaha.. Layanz...

Lepas karaoke, meronda-ronda la pulak.. hahaha..

2 leader.. PPOC dan PPEOC

Ahad, 4 Disember 2011

VERV Lubricants

 Penerangan sikit tentang minyak jenama Verv ni..
Jenis ini yg admin guna dan hasilnya menajubkan..

Company Overview

Verv originating from the word Verve, was derived from the Latin word Verva which means energy and enthusiasm along with vitality and liveliness.

As a premier lubricant specialist, we at Verv Petroleum Sdn.Bhd guarantee all our products have been chemically engineered to perfection and satisfaction. After extensive R&D as well as a vigorous and thorough testing process, we have successfully perfected our blend to guarantee maximum efficiency
and utilization at optimum levels.

We at Verv strive to satisfy all our customers’ needs and wants. We work around the clock to ensure efficient product delivery and exceptional after sales service. Because customer satisfaction is a vital part of any successful business, we ensure the quality of our products is of exceptional quality and integrity. We are proud to add that all our products are manufactured by an ISO certified company and as new products are launched, they too shall go through the same process until they are certified and ensured that they are of distinct quality.

The world as we see it today has progressed with time to a different era where emphasis is put on the environment and saving it. To show our commitment and support our company logo and color was designed to show environmental support. Green indicates the color of the environment and the unique V‘s design symbolizes grass roots at the top to show our appreciation of mother nature.
To be a renowned brand name in the lubricant industry both locally as well as internationally. We aspire to broaden our market capacity by exporting our products and broadening our market segment on an international frontier.
PRIVOTEC - Petrol Engine Oils
PRIVOLINE - Diesel Engine Oils
HYDROLINE - Hydraulic Fluids / Oils
MARRINER - Marine Related Fluids / Oils
AVIONICS - Aviation Related Fluids / Oils
SPECIALITY - Coolant, Grease & Others
MERCHANDISE - T-Shirts, Caps & Accesories

Gambar sekitar TT Amal PPOC NORTHERN,PPEOC dan WAJA CLUB di Perlis

Telahpun berakhir majlis amal di perlis dan alhamdulilah semuanya berjalan secara baik dan teratur.. (cuma admin tak dapat nak pergi sebab urusan kerja yg tidak dapat dielakan..huhuhuh..)
Tak tahu apa nak komen jd kita layan gambar je la.. hahahaha

ppoc northern,ppeoc dan waja club
Banner PPOC NORTHERN dah siap.. Horeyyyy...